from tkinter import *
from tkinter .filedialog import *
from tkinter .simpledialog import *
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance, ImageOps
# 함수 선언 부분
def displayImage(img, width, height):
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
window.geometry(str(width) + "x" + str(height))
if canvas != None:
canvas = Canvas(window, width=width, height=height)
paper = PhotoImage(width=width, height=height)
canvas.create_image((width / 2, height / 2), image=paper, state="normal")
rgbString = ""
rgbImage = img.convert('RGB')
for i in range(0, height):
tmpString = ""
for k in range(0, width):
r, g, b = rgbImage.getpixel((k, i))
tmpString += "#%02x%02x%02x " % (r, g, b) #x 뒤에 한 칸 공백
rgbString += "{" + tmpString + "} " # } 뒤에 한 칸 공백
def func_open():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
readFp = askopenfilename(parent=window, filetypes=(("모든 그림 파일", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.png;*.tif;*.gif"),("모든 파일", "*.*")))
photo = Image.open(readFp).convert('RGB')
oriX = photo.width
oriY = photo.height
photo2 = photo.copy()
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_save():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
if photo2 == None:
saveFp = asksaveasfile(parent = window, mode = "w", defaultextension= ".jpg",
filetypes = (("JPG 파일", "*.jpg; *.jpeg"), ("모든 파일", "*.*")))
def func_exit():
def func_zoomin():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
scale = askinteger("확대", "확대할 배율을 입력하세요", minvalue= 2, maxvalue= 4)
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.resize((int(oriX*scale), int(oriY*scale)))
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_zoomout():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
scale = askinteger("축소", "축소할 배율을 입력하세요", minvalue= 2, maxvalue= 4)
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.resize((int(oriX/scale), int(oriY/scale)))
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_mirror1():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_mirror2():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_rotate():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
dgree = askinteger("회전", "회전할 각도를 입력하세요", minvalue= 0, maxvalue= 360)
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.rotate(dgree, expand=True)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_bright():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askfloat("밝게", "값을 입력하세요(1.0 ~ 10.0)", minvalue= 1.0, maxvalue= 10.0)
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(photo2).enhance(value)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_dark():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
value = askfloat("어둡게", "값을 입력하세요(0.0 ~ 1.0)", minvalue= 0.0, maxvalue= 1.0)
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(photo2).enhance(value)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_blur():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_emboss():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = photo2.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
def func_bw():
global window, canvas, paper, photo, photo2, oriX, oriY
photo2 = photo.copy()
photo2 = ImageOps.grayscale(photo2)
newX = photo2.width
newY = photo2.height
displayImage(photo2, newX, newY)
# 전역 변수 선언 부분
window, canvas, paper = None, None, None
photo, photo2 = None, None
oriX, oriY = 0, 0
# 메인 코드 부분
window = Tk()
window.title("미니 포토샵")
mainMenu = Menu(window)
fileMenu = Menu(mainMenu)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="파일", menu=fileMenu)
fileMenu.add_command(label="파일 열기", command=func_open)
fileMenu.add_command(label="파일 저장", command=func_save)
fileMenu.add_command(label="프로그램 종료", command=func_exit)
imageMenu1 = Menu(mainMenu)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="이미지 처리(1)", menu=imageMenu1)
imageMenu1.add_command(label="확대", command=func_zoomin)
imageMenu1.add_command(label="축소", command=func_zoomout)
imageMenu1.add_command(label="상하 반전", command=func_mirror1)
imageMenu1.add_command(label="좌우 반전", command=func_mirror2)
imageMenu1.add_command(label="회전", command=func_rotate)
imageMenu2 = Menu(mainMenu)
mainMenu.add_cascade(label="이미지 처리(2)", menu=imageMenu2)
imageMenu2.add_command(label="밝게", command=func_bright)
imageMenu2.add_command(label="어둡게", command=func_dark)
imageMenu2.add_command(label="블러링", command=func_blur)
imageMenu2.add_command(label="엠보싱", command=func_emboss)
imageMenu2.add_command(label="흑백 이미지", command=func_bw)

import pygame
import random
import sys
## 함수 선언 부분 ##
def paintEntity(entity, x, y):
monitor.blit(entity, (int(x), int(y)))
def writeScore(score):
myFont = pygame.font.Font('ch14/NanumGothic.ttf', 20) # 한글 폰트
txt = myFont.render(u'파괴한 우주괴물 수 : ' + str(score), True, (255-r, 255-g, 255-b))
monitor.blit(txt, (10, sheight - 40))
def playGame():
global monitor, ship, monster, missile
r = random.randrange(0, 256)
g = random.randrange(0, 256)
b = random.randrange(0, 256)
# 우주선의 초기 위치와 키보드를 눌렀을 때 이동량을 저장할 변수를 선언
shipX = swidth / 2
shipY = sheight * 0.8
dx, dy = 0, 0
# 우주괴물을 무작위로 추출하고 크기와 위치를 설정
monster = pygame.image.load(random.choice(monsterImage))
monsterSize = monster.get_rect().size
monsterX = 0
monsterY = random.randrange(0, int(swidth * 0.3))
monsterSpeed = random.randrange(1, 5)
# 미사일 좌표 초기화
missileX, missileY = None, None
# 맞춘 우주괴물 숫자를 저장할 변수
fireCount = 0
# 무한 반복
while True:
monitor.fill((r, g, b)) # 게임 진행을 늦춘다(10~100 정도가 적당)
# 키보드나 마우스 이벤트가 들어오는지 체크
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type in [pygame.QUIT]:
if e.type in [pygame.KEYDOWN]:
if e.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
dx = -5
elif e.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
dx = +5
elif e.key == pygame.K_UP:
dy = -5
elif e.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
dy = +5
elif e.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
if missileX == None: # 미사일을 쏜 적이 없다면
missileX = shipX + shipSize[0] / 2
missileY = shipY # 우주선 위치에서 미사일을 발사
if e.type in [pygame.KEYUP]:
if e.key == pygame.K_LEFT or e.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or \
e.key == pygame.K_UP or e.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
dx, dy = 0, 0
# 우주선이 화면 안에서만 움직이게 한다.
if (0 < shipX + dx and shipX + dx <= swidth - shipSize[0]) and \
(sheight / 2 < shipY + dy and shipY + dy <= sheight - shipSize[1]):
shipX += dx
shipY += dy
paintEntity(ship, shipX, shipY)
# 우주괴물이 자동으로 나타나 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 움직인다.
monsterX += monsterSpeed
if monsterX > swidth:
monsterX = 0
monsterY = random.randrange(0, int(swidth * 0.3))
monster = pygame.image.load(random.choice(monsterImage))
monsterSize = monster.get_rect().size
monsterSpeed = random.randrange(1, 5)
paintEntity(monster, monsterX, monsterY)
# 미사일을 화면에 표시한다.
if missileX != None:
missileY -= 10
if missileY < 0:
missileX, missileY = None, None
# 우주괴물이 미사일에 맞았는지 체크
if missileX != None:
paintEntity(missile, missileX, missileY)
if (monsterX < missileX and missileX < monsterX + monsterSize[0]) and \
(monsterY < missileY and missileY < monsterY + monsterSize[1]):
fireCount += 1 # 우주괴물을 맞혔을 때
monster = pygame.image.load(random.choice(monsterImage))
monsterSize = monster.get_rect().size
monsterX = 0
monsterY = random.randrange(0, int(swidth * 0.3))
monsterSpeed = random.randrange(1, 5)
missileX, missileY = None, None
writeScore(fireCount) # 점수를 화면에 출력
pygame.display.update() # 화면을 업데이트
## 전역 변수 선언 부분 ##
r, g, b = [0] * 3
swidth, sheight = 500, 700
monitor = None
ship, shipSize = None, 0
monsterImage = ['ch14/game_image/monster01.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster02.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster03.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster04.png',
'ch14/game_image/monster05.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster06.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster07.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster08.png',
'ch14/game_image/monster09.png', 'ch14/game_image/monster10.png']
monster = None
missile = None
## 메인 코드 부분 ##
monitor = pygame.display.set_mode((swidth, sheight))
pygame.display.set_caption('우주괴물 무찌르기')
ship = pygame.image.load('ch14/game_image/ship01.png')
shipSize = ship.get_rect().size
missile = pygame.image.load('ch14/game_image/missile.png')

*폰트는 여기서 다운 받으면 된다.